We are delighted to announce that the Department for Education has confirmed that the support to schools through Accelerator Fund will continue in 2024 – 2025!
With an expanded eligibility, this will ensure that all schools will benefit from support to purchase and embed a Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme.
To apply for Accelerator Fund Support, please complete our self referral form Self-Referral Form 2024-25 (google.com) Schools in Priority Education Investment areas, such as Doncaster, are eligible for up to £9,000. This is 25% match-funded for schools that are in non-priority Education Investment Areas, such as Wakefield, North Yorkshire and Leeds.
There is up to £6,000 available for schools that are not in Education Investment Areas.
To find out more about Priority Education Investment Areas, click here.
To find out more Education Investment Areas, click here.
Following a virtual early reading evaluation, we will be able to offer a flexible delivery model and tailor support to the school’s individual needs.
*Please note we are only able to fund schools to their maximum funding allocation and cannot fund in excess of this.